Thursday, June 28, 2007

Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) Reports

EarthNC Inc

Check out current sea conditions reported by ships navigating the oceans.

At any one time there are thousands of ships navigating the blue planet. A project by NOAA (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration), called the Voluntary Observation Ship (VOS) encourages commercial vessels to give weather reports as they cross the globe. Here you can view a dynamic KML showing weather reports in the placemark description balloons for the past 24 hours. Use the time slider at the top to scroll through to find those of interest.

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Trimble Outdoors Trips

Trimble Outdoors

Take a trip on the wild side with Trimble Outdoors Trips.

Enjoy guided tours of locations across the United States. View photos and information inside the description balloons and turn on the "Terrain" in your "Layers" section for maximum effect. Based around information collected by GPS systems, there is also the option to submit your own expedition.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Global Heritage Fund

Global Heritage Fund

See the Earth's archaeological and cultural glory.

For thousands of years, different cultures have shaped the world we live in today. The Global Heritage Fund layer explores the 13 cultural heritage sites that GHF is attempting to preserve for future generations. From ancient Mayan Mirador pyramids buried in a Guatemalan forest threatened by clear cutting to the crumbling Lijiang Ancient Town in China, which represents 1,000 years in the lives of the Naxi people, GHF introduces you to these threatened archaeological treasures, and the work it's doing, in partnership with local governments and resources, to save them.

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Monday, June 18, 2007

WWF Conservation Projects


WWF conservation work around the world.

The World Wildlife Fund is active in over 100 countries around the world. This layer lets you view research descriptions and see photographs from more than 150 WWF projects, from rhino conservation in Namibia to encouraging responsible forest management in the expanse of Siberia. Learn how WWF is helping local peoples balance natural resource protection with sustainable economic development.

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Jane Goodall Chimp Blog

The Jane Goodall Institute

Meet Frodo and his friends in the Gombe Chimpanzee Reserve

Take a tour of the Gombe Chimpanzee Reserve in Tanzania with Frodo the chimp and his friends. You can follow the regular blog about the chimps' activities, explore features like the park boundary, watersheds and landmarks by clicking on links within description balloons and even turn on "Terrain" in your "Layers" section to fly around the park, getting a "chimps' eye" view of their habitat.

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Appalachian Mountaintop Removal

Appalachian Voices

Mountaintop removal coal mining in the Appalachians.

Take a geographical trip to the Appalachian Mountains to see the problems caused by mountaintop removal coal mining. Historical overlays highlight the magnitude of earth loss as you virtually visit hundreds of mountains and take an extended guided tour of one of them, learning how it is being mined, and the devastating consequences for the natural habitat and the people who depend on it.

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World Population Animation

Jeremy Jackson

View an interesting animation showing world population increases.

In this file, use the time slider at the top of the Google Earth client to visualize how world population has changed over time. This information is displayed using polygons which show population data from 1950 through to the predicted population in 2010.

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Phylogeny of Avian Influenza

Andrew W. Hill

View the evolutionary changes that have occured in avian influenza.

One of the major concerns for scientists studying avian influenza, or bird flu, is that the virus will mutate into a form that can be passed easily from human to human. Phylogeny is the study of the evolution amongst the related organisms. Andrew Hill has put together an animation showing the changes that have occured already in bird flu allowing you to visualize when and where these changes took place.

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Malaria Atlas Project

Malaria Atlas Project

In this file, you can view information put together by the Malaria Atlas Project, a research project at Oxford University. Information dating back to the 1980's can be viewed, allowing a better geographical understanding of the places where Malaria is found.

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Tracking Dengue Fever in Singapore


SinGeo has put together a very interesting geographical representation of Dengue Fever in Singapore. Through an animation, you can see where and when Dengue Fever has occured. Use the time slider at the top to control the animation settings from different days found in your Places panel. Please allow several moments for this file to load.

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Watch the Spread of Bird Flu

Declan Butler

Declan Butler, a senior reporter at Nature magazine has created an animated KML showing cases of avian influenza. Watch the spread from Asia to Europe and check out for example when the virus follows the border between Russia and Kazakhstan. Both human and animal cases can be viewed with each placemark in the animation, which provides information about the case.

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World Population Density


In this example using overlays, Gerardo64 from the Google Earth Community has shown world population distribution. From small pockets of population in the Australian Outback to the large metro areas along the Eastern seaboard of America, learn where humans are making their mark on the world.

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Losing Georgia Project

Losing Georgia

View the pressures associated with urbanization in Douglas County, Georgia.

Losing Georgia is a project which provides a geographic and historical documentation of the losses associated with urban sprawl. Using photos, descriptions and historical overlays, this file allows you to explore Douglas County's past and present. Tick the network link box to view the data.

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California Median Ages

Juice Analytics

In this KML, polygons are used to represent United States Census data, allowing you to observe the median age for each county in California.

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Jupiter Imagery Animation

James Stafford

View an animation of Jupiter captured by the Cassini spacecraft.

In this animation, James Stafford has used image overlays from the Cassini spacecraft to show the flyby of the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter. To obtain maximum effect, turn "Borders" off in your "Layers" section and in the menu bar at the top, click on "View" and ensure "Atmosphere" is unchecked to enjoy a truely spatial experience. Note that the file may take a few minutes to load.

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Exploring America's Oceans

Marine Conservation Biology Institute

We all know that the United States is a vast country with a huge variety of terrain, climate and geological features, but few of us may take time to consider the 4.4 million square miles of ocean under U.S. jurisdiction. Explore America's oceans from the comfort of your home without even having to get your feet wet.

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DMSP Global Composites

National Geophysical Data Center

Using overlays from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program, researchers at the National Geophysical Data Center in the United States have created a Google Earth file showing how the planet looks at night. From 1992 to 2003, these overlays allow you to see the increase in light pollution as population expands and the accessibility to electricity increases. For example, zoom into Dubai and check out the differences between 1992 and 2003.

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California's Marine Protected Areas

Ocean Conservancy/GreenInfo

Explore the coastline of California

The coastline of California is known for its spectacular scenery and diverse marine life. In this file, explore California's landmark, ocean conservation legacy, a newly-created network of marine protected areas. View this network of 29 marine protected areas, covering 200 square miles between Santa Barbara and San Francisco. View fact sheets for each protected area that describes the unique ecological value of the site, including aerial and underwater photos and video of vibrant but fragile wildlife and ecosystems.

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Explore Arctic Drilling

Sierra Club

Environmental concerns in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

This file enables you to explore a controversial geographic area - the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. You can learn more about the potential consequences of drilling for oil in the wilderness of Northern Alaska, most notably the impact on the environment and wildlife.

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Earthwatch Expeditions

Earthwatch Institute

Learn about Earthwatch expeditions around the world.

You can explore volunteer Earthwatch expeditions virtually in Google Earth, from this Sweetwater's rhinos expedition to recording lemur activity in Madagascar to studying the impact of climate change on grey whale populations in Mexico and Canada. You can learn here where the expeditions are happening, what the volunteers are doing and -- most important -- how you can get involved. This KML is also available for viewing in "Global Awareness" layer.

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Almanor Basin Environmental Overview

NorthTree Fire International

NorthTree Fire International has created a Google Earth file showing information about the Almanor Basin in Northern California. Many different geographical features are examined here from water quality to the transportation infrastructure.

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Cornwall Wildlife Reserves

Cornwall Wildlife Trust

Take a nature tour of the county of Cornwall in England with the Cornwall Wildlife Trust.

In this example put together by a volunteer at the Cornwall Wildlife Trust in South West England, you can explore the many nature reserves and find out about the features of each reserve. Plans of the reserves are also included as overlays to show the layout of the reserve.

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Gas Drilling in The Upper Green River Valley


Learn about the challenges facing the fragile ecosystem of the Upper Green River Valley, Wyoming.

Visualize a serious concern in the Upper Green River Valley of Wyoming and see for yourself the impact on the ecosystem in this beautiful landscape when drilling for gas takes place. The balance between obtaining energy resources needed for every day use against the concerns of wildlife habitat is explained here in a rich geospatial context using photographic and textual information along with time animations and polygons to show affected areas. Please allow a few moments for this file to load.

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Coral Reef Monitoring

WorldFish Center ReefBase Project

Learn about the state of coral reefs around the world.

It is estimated that coral reefs cover around 284,000 square kilometers providing a habitat for thousands of species to live. Global warming poses a major threat to these massive living structures and in this file you can explore the state of coral reefs around the world, seeing their distribution and concerns facing their future existance.

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NSIDC Information

National Snow and Ice Data Center

The National Snow and Ice Data Center in Colorado have put together a collection of their data. This KML compares glaciers over the last 100 years, and includes an interesting time animation of the sea-ice extent in the Arctic circle as well as a fascinating animation of the actual break up of the Larsen B ice shelf in Antarctica.

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Vancouver Sea Level Rising

Sierra Club BC

View a highly visually impacting file which illustrates the destruction that would result in Vancouver if sea levels rose by six meters. Polygons represent a vast area of suburbs, including the international airport, that would be completely destroyed.

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World Energy Consumption

Gerardo Paz

View a geographical representation of world energy consumption

Gerardo Paz, a member on the Google Earth Community, has put together a geographical representation of energy consumption in 2004. Each of the countries shown has four polygons which show the comparisons between oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear and hydro-electric. It's very interesting to see which countries are taking the initiative to move towards greener energy and which still have ways to go.

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Zakouma Ivory Wars

National Geographic Society

Visit the Zakouma National Park in Chad and see the threat facing the elephant population.

Take a trip with National Geographic to visit the Zakouma National Park in Chad. See the ongoing threat to the elephant population in the park. Learn about the other animals and landscape of the park in this fascinating but sometimes dangerous region of the world. Turn on each of the folders to view each part of the journey and check out the stories in the placemark description balloons

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Tracking Bird Movement

Valery Hronusov

Valery Hronusov, a member on the Google Earth Community created this Google Earth file showing the migratory patterns of different bird species across Europe and Asia. Files such as this can be particularly useful for monitoring animal welfare of species which may carry communicable diseases such as avian influenza.

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Become a myrmecologist and study ants, through AntWeb

Question. How many internet search engines have an ant name after them? At least one. AntWeb, based at The California Academy of Sciences has put together a KML file giving an overview of different ant species around the globe with each placemark showing a photo and link to further information. Approxmiately one thousand trillion ants are running around at any one time - one such ant, Proceratium google can be found in Madagascar.

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John Muir's Life

Sierra Club

Learn about the life of one of history's most influential conservationists.

John Muir born April 21, 1838 was the founder of the Sierra Club, one of the largest conservation organizations in the United States. This file, created by the organization he founded, pays homage to the life of John Muir. Viewing tip: Turn on Terrain in your "Layers" section and re-live John Muir's experience of Yosemite National Park in California.

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Geobiography of M.C. Escher

Paul Dorsey

Explore the life of Dutch artist M.C. Escher.

M.C.Escher was a Dutch artist known for his literally puzzling art work. Explore M.C. Escher's life in a rich geospatial context and see the places of significance for this creator of works of art.

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Shimshal, Pakistan Expedition


Explore an expedition to the Shimshal Valley of Pakistan. Turn on the "Terrain" in your "Layers" and fly through the mountains while viewing photographs and reading the trip diary by expedition leaders.

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World Wide Panoramas

World Wide Panorama

The World Wide Panorama team at University of California, Berkeley KML allows to explore hundreds of locations around the world. The placemarks have been geographically organized to include a preview image with a link to the panorama. From the centre of Times Square in New York City to the plight of people in Africa, see the world as a panorama.

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Chernobyl Radiation Visualization

Valery Hronusov

Created by Valery Hronusov on the Google Earth Community, this fascinating representation shows radiation levels in a reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear facility - the site of one of the world's worst nuclear accidents. It's interesting to be able to visualize where the radiation hotspots occur and provides a better geographical understanding of this tragic disaster.

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Atlantic Basin Storms

Paul Seabury

Learn about the history of Atlantic Basin Storms from 1850 to 2005.

View a history of Atlantic Basin Storms from 1850 to 2005. To view, check each "network link" icon to view information from that period and select the folder for the storm you want to learn more about. This file shows the path each storm took with placemarks containing data about the storm, such as wind speed. This use could be of relevance for town planning, meteorological studies and history lessons.

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Daily MODIS Satellite Images

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Put together by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, this KML shows daily MODIS satellite imagery captured the previous day. This near real-time information could be used for disaster preparedness or weather predictions for your holiday. This updated composite of 250m MODIS images is also overlaid on the current month Blue Marble Next Generation imagery.

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Warning Decision Support System

University of Oklahoma

Created by a team at the University of Oklahoma consisting of engineers and scientists from the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) and the Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS), the Warning Decision Support System KML consists of a variety of meteorological displays to analyze weather systems, enabling better prediction of where and when severe weather may occur causing problems. This file contains an updated network link file showing storm reports, and you can visit the link at the top to view more of their products.

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NWS Enhanced Radar Images

National Weather Service

Here is an example showing weather overlays from the U.S. National Weather Service. This KML shows an animation of the weather in the Dallas - Fort Worth metro area. By visiting the link above, you can view and download many more examples for different areas that allow you to view live weather data for the whole U.S.

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Crisis in Darfur

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

Witness the genocide in Darfur -- through geography

The US Holocaust Memorial Museum's "Crisis in Darfur" layer lets you visit the unfolding genocide in Darfur, which has caused one of the worst humanitarian crises in recent times. You can read moving testimonies and see photographic documentation from those directly involved, witness the remains of scores of burned down villages, and follow the refugees to camps in Chad, and -- most important -- learn what you can do to help the innocent victims of this incomprehensible tragedy. From Google Earth, go to “Darfur, Sudan” and explore the “USHMM: Crisis in Darfur."

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Neighbors Against Irresponsible Logging

Rebecca Moore

Neighbors Against Irresponsible Logging (NAIL) is a community group based in the Santa Cruz Mountains of Northern California. NAIL formed in 2005 when the San Jose Water Company announced a plan to log more than 1000 acres of redwoods in the Los Gatos Creek Watershed, which provides drinking water to more than 100,000 people.

This KML displays the proposed logging zone, helicopter landing sites, locations of nearby schools, photos of old-growth redwoods and wildlife in the logging zone, as well as a "virtual flight" up the canyon which reveals serious issues with the plan. The KML has been successfully used to educate and inform the local public and policy-makers. Former US Vice President Al Gore has lent his support to NAIL's cause after seeing this KML.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Burke and Wills Expedition

Paul Dorsey

An 1860s expedition across Australia.

In the 1860s, Robert O'Hara Burke and William John Wills led a team of 19 men across the vast, varied terrain of Australia. Here you can see the places these pioneers visited and read about the hardships they faced.

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World Oil Consumption

John Jason Fallows

See a geographical representation of world oil consumption.

It's said that about 80% of the world's data has a geographical element. In this representation, John Jason Fallows uses data from the CIA World Factbook to create polygons which illustrate the country's oil consumption, where one foot equates to daily oil consumption per barrel per day.

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Juneau Icefield Research

Mauri Pelto

How global warming affects the Juneau Icefield.

Alaska's Juneau Icefield is the fifth largest in North America. Here you can explore photos, overlays and descriptions to learn how the slow warming of the planet is causing glacial retreat in this fragile ecosystem. For maximum effect, turn on "Terrain" in your layers section.

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Monday, June 11, 2007

Biography of Phillis Wheatley

'Preserved Fish'

Phillis Wheatley: Slave, Poet, American.

Phillis Wheatley was the first black individual, the first slave and the third woman to publish a book of poetry. Now you can explore her life through geography, each placemark showing a personalized description of this important writer's life.

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Night Lights of the World

Matt Fox

See what the Earth looks like at night.

Matt Fox's overlay illustrates the planet's nighttime "light pollution," with huge differences clearly visible as you fly from one continent to another. Check out, for instance, the difference between North and South Korea.

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Real-time Earthquakes

U.S. Geological Survey

See U.S. Geological Survey real-time earthquake data.

Want to explore the world's seismic hotspots in real-time? From the Pacific Ring of Fire to the San Andreas Fault, this KML will give you a better geographical understanding of the daily changes occurring on our planet. Each placemark contains data about a specific area's seismic activity and a link to more extensive info.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Panoramas of Germany

Olaf Vernunft

Take a panoramic tour of Germany.

A German company called OV-Medien has created a tour which allows you to explore the nation's history, architecture and tourism sites from the comfort of your home. From the Brandenberg Gate in Berlin to panoramic views of the vibrant financial centre in Frankfurt, each placemark offers a written description of the site, along with a link to a full panorama.

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City of London Timeline

James Stafford

See a contructive animation of the City of London.

The one square mile City of London, London's main centre of finance, has changed dramatically over the years. Here, using the time slider, you can explore this constructive history via James Stafford's fascinating animation, which incorporates 3D buildings to show how the cityscape has changed, and how it likely will continue to evolve in the future. For full effect, enable "terrain" in the layers section.

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