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Google the 2008 Global Torch Relay as it makes its way around the earth. An ongoing tradition from 766 B.C. has been to ignite the torch at the ancient site in Olympia, Greece. From March 25th until the start of August, the Torch Relay will travel across Greece, into Beijing, and then around the world through cities, oceans, and even the world's highest mountain, Mt. Qomolangma (Mt. Everest). The relay's purpose is to spread the Olympic spirit as well as the message of peace and friendship, and also ignite the passion of the people around the world. in Google Earth
360 Cities BVhttp://www.360cities.netFly inside 360 degree panoramas in locations worldwide.Using the PhotoOverlay feature in Google Earth 4.2, 360 Cities have created this KML that allows you to fly into hundreds of panoramas. Each city has a variety of locations with panoramas to fly into. From the glitz and glamour of Los Angeles to the hot deserts of Syria, there is something for all travel tastes. 360 Cities are continually updating this dymanic KML, enabling you to view new panoramas as they become available for new places. in Google Earth 4.2
UNHCRhttp://www.unhcr.orgSee how the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is assisting refugees worldwide.This KML produced by the Geneva based UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) illustrates the life of refugees located worldwide and shows the valuable work being undertaken by the agency to offer assistance through health care, education and hope. Through photographic, video and textual information, this KML provides a geographical account of the UNHCR's work. in Google Earth
Women For Women Internationalhttp://www.womenforwomen.orgWomen for Women is a non profit organization that provides much needed support to women who have been caught up in war - enabling them to develop. This KML tells the stories of some of the women involved in the project, showing their struggles and achievements. in Google Earth
Greenpeace KML lets you follow the Greenpeace ship 'Esperanza' as she crosses the globe, carrying out work on the frontline of their environmental and peace campaigns. Explore text, photos and videos within the description balloons giving you geographically organized information about what Greenpeace is doing. in Google Earth
Universidad Politécnicahttp://www.upm.esEste KML muestra un sistema de predicción de la Calidad del Aire para todos los municipios españoles con más de 50.000 habitantes. Se basa en un modelo de última generación que incluye las emisiones de tráfico, industria y biogénicas que permiten obtener las concentraciones en el aire estimadas para las próximas 72 horas con una resolución de 50 km.
Los resultados se muestran en Google Earth en modo gráfico, según 4 niveles de contaminación atmosférica que se corresponden con los contaminantes incluidos en las Directivas y Reales Decretos que limitan su concentración para la protección de la salud de los ciudadanos. in Google Earth
Intermon Oxfam 18 proyectos que presenta Intermón Oxfam en Google Earth Solidario son una pequeña muestra del trabajo en proyectos de desarrollo y comercio justo que la organización desarrolla en diversos países del mundo. Con el Banco de Agua en Etiopía, que ha conseguido el acceso al agua potable a más de 60.000 personas, visibilizamos una de nuestras especialidades de trabajo en terreno: el agua, el saneamiento y la higiene. Unos proyectos que contemplan desde la construcción de estructuras hidrológicas para abastecer de agua potable a la población, hasta la recuperación de manantiales, sistemas de recogida de agua de lluvia, construcción de pozos y canalizaciones de agua. Además de una formación a los beneficiarios para su correcto mantenimiento. in Google Earth
Observatorio para la sostenibildiad en España KML muestra los cambios en la ocupación del suelo en España, desde las primeras fotos aéreas tomadas por un avión americano en el año 1956 hasta nuestros días. Se centran en las transformaciones que afectan al agua, a los bosques, y a los profundos efectos sobre la economía y la sociedad, basadas en el primer informe temático que esta organización realizó sobre la materia. in Google Earth
IUCNhttp://www.iucn.orgThis "Marine Protected Areas" KML file was produced through a collaborative effort between some of the biggest names in ocean conservation. On opening this KML and zooming in, you will see the locations of marine protected areas illustrated by a placemark icon. Clicking on these icons provides you with rich textual and graphical information about the specific location. Zooming in further will show the boundaries of the diverse and precious sites. in Google Earth
Google / NOAA days after Hurricane Ike slammed into Galveston, Texas as a Category 2 hurricane, severe flooding has challenged Gulf Coast residents from Texas to Louisiana. A team at Google has been gathering information we hope will be useful to residents of the affected regions and the relief agencies working to help them.
After Hurricane Ike came ashore in the wee hours Saturday morning and as the weather cleared, NOAA's Remote Sensing Division began flying rapid response aerial reconnaissance missions of the Texas and Louisiana Gulf region. This aerial imagery is intended to provide emergency managers with a broad view of damage and residual flooding, so that they can prioritize and direct response to aid those in greatest need in the affected regions.
Members of the Google Earth team have processed this imagery into a KML image overlay for easy access by anyone. To view the imagery in Google Earth, download the KML by clicking on "Open this KML" below. in Google Earth
Direct Relief Internationalhttp://www.directrelief.orgAs part of its response to Hurricane Gustav, Direct Relief mapped the federally qualified community health centers and free clinics along the U.S. Gulf Coast that make up the core of the medical "safety net" for the region. Combining these facility locations with the path of the hurricane, they were able to target medical material, financial, and other assistance to those places that need it most. The resulting KML layer also includes 18 clinics that received a Direct Relief hurricane pre-position module prior to the arrival of Hurricane Gustav. These are indicated by a green icon in the layer; the blue icons correspond to non-profit free clinics, and the red correspond to federally qualified community health centers. in Google Earth
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - UPDATE!http://www.unhcr.orgIn response to the 2006 drought in Somalia, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) began the Population Movement Tracking (PMT) to monitor IDP's, or Internally Displaced Persons. This KML presents an animated account of population movement enabling you to better understand the factors affecting movement, whether through flooding, insecurity/violence or other factors. To view the animation, press the "play" button on the right hand side of the time line bar which can be found at the top of the image viewer.
UPDATE: The UNHCR have made some improvements to their KML. This updated content comprises of; more information in the placemark balloons, personalized icons showing size of population movement, and the integration of "network links", allowing the UNHCR to update their content dynamically without you, the user having to do anything. in Google Earth
Reuters AlertNet KML produced by Reuters AlertNet enables you to keep up to date with the latest humanitarian crisis around the world. These disasters may be caused by a variety of influences, whether that be conflict, natural disasters or food shortages. By showing just where these situations are occuring, the user can feel a greater relationship to the place which, hopefully provides a better understanding of what is taking place at that location and how it fits in to the rest of the world.
Reuters AlertNet have also used "Network Links" so that the file can be updated without you, the user needing to do anything. So any new information added by Reuters AlertNet is instantly viewable by you. in Google Earth
X PRIZE Foundationhttp://www.googlelunarxprize.orgThe Google Lunar X PRIZE is a $30 million international competition to safely land a robot on the surface of the Moon, travel 500 meters over the lunar surface, and send images and data back to the Earth. This KML explores the Teams, Foundations, and Partners helping to make this extraordinary feat of engineering and economics possible. in Google Earth
Google.org energy from the heat beneath the earth's surface is essentially an unlimited resource. What if it could be developed to help solve our energy challenges and fight global warming? Enhanced Geothermal Systems, or EGS, attempts to do just that. EGS produces heat and electricity by harnessing the energy from hot rock deep below the earth's surface, expanding the potential of traditional geothermal energy by orders of magnitude. EGS is a big challenge, but with the potential to power the world many times over, it demands our immediate attention. At Google we've launched an effort to advance EGS through R&D, investment, policy and information. in Google Earth 4.3
Commission for Environmental Cooperationhttp://www.cec.orgThis visually informative KML illustrates terrestrial and marine species distribution across North America. By selecting the names of the species, you can view range maps (represented by polygons) to clearly show where they are found. To add to the information available, each species folder provides a placemark description balloon where you can learn more. All of this information is made available inside Google Earth allowing you to explore the many wonderful and unique creatures of our planet, all in a rich geospatial environment. in Google Earth
Urban Ecologyhttp://www.urbanecology.orgThis KML explores urban planning in the East Bay area of San Francisco, California and was created by Urban Ecology; a non profit organization who specialize in promoting "healthy" urban planning. In viewing this KML, you will see photographs, descriptions and overlays annotated on top of the Earth to present a more understandable and easily accessible account of what Urban Ecology are doing - and where. in Google Earth
The Rosetta Project / The Long Now Foundation you with the world's diverse cultures is this KML layer produced by The Rosetta Project / The Long Now Foundation. Around the world, a significant part of cultural diversity is experienced through language. It is feared that many of the languages, and therefore the cultures they belong to are being lost at such a rapid rate that "linguists predict that we may lose as much as 90% of the world’s linguistic diversity within the next century." This KML provides an opportunity to explore the areas where these endangered languages are spoken throughout Africa and the Americas. in Google Earth
Dr Mark Mulligan, UNEP-WCMC (Rapid Assessment Of Land Use Change In and Around Protected Areas) does as it says on the tin and is a collaboration between KCL (Kings College London) and UNEP-WCMC (the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre). It is a tool to assist in conservation monitoring and prioritisation and shows protected areas in green. In red it shows areas deforested between 2000 (when most of the NASA imagery used in Google Earth/Maps was taken) and 2005, based on the MODIS VCF data.
This work in progress uses data from NASA, The University of Maryland, and the World Database on Protected Areas. in Google Earth
David Tryse wonderful KML presents a geographical account of the planet's disappearing forests. By using polygons to represent rates of deforestation, the data can be quickly and easily communicated. Country profiles are also included, providing high quality, accessible information included as pops ups in the pie chart balloons - be sure to check out the live hectare counter in these placemarks! in Google Earth
Google earthquake of a magnitude of 7.9 hit Sichuan, China on May 12, with its epicenter about 50 miles northwest of Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan. According to the latest news reports, authorities fear that as many as 50,000 people could have lost their lives. We now have post-earthquake imagery from our satellite providers which you can view by downloading the KML file.
N.B. We will keep updating the KML as we receive and process more satellite imagery. Save the KML to your "My Places" to see the imagery updates. in Google Earth
Google Earth Outreach the aftermath of the Cyclone Nargis, residents and aid workers are struggling to recover in Myanmar (Burma). Numerous satellite imagery providers have provided pre- and post-cyclone imagery in order to help disaster relief responders on the ground. The KML file provided displays the imagery and other datasets such as the cyclone path, flooded areas, and health facilities. in Google Earth
Met Office and learn about the impacts of climate change and find out how you can make a difference with Climate Change in our World. The Met Office Hadley Centre, British Antarctic Survey and UK Government have harnessed Google Earth technology to present you with an interactive animation showing how climate change and global temperature rises could affect our world over the next 100 years.
Once you have opened this KML, click on the icons to find out more about how people around the world are already being affected by changing weather patterns and see the predicted effects of climate change across the globe between now and 2100.
On opening up the KML you can find out more about how we produced these files, and what is happening on a global and domestic scale to prevent and combat the effects of climate change.
Viewing tip: To view this animation at a slower speed, click the button on the left of the timeline bar and set the speed slider to its lowest setting. in Google Earth
Dr Mark Mulligan" A picture is worth a thousand words " is one phrase many of us are familiar with. This proverb most certainly applies to this KML, which provides a visually impacting set of overlays to illustrate deforestation worldwide. Changes in tree cover from 2000 - 2005 can be explored through animated overlays to show which areas are being worst hit.
Note that some of the data may take several moments to load, but once loaded offers us all an unprecedented insight into the changes taking place on our planet. in Google Earth
British Antarctic Survey and learn about the impacts of climate change and find out how you can make a difference with Climate Change in our World. The Met Office Hadley Centre, British Antarctic Survey and UK Government have harnessed Google Earth technology to present you with an interactive animation showing the retreat of Antarctic ice shelves over time.
On opening up the KML you can find out more about how we produced these files, and what is happening on a global and domestic scale to prevent and combat the effects of climate change. in Google Earth
Dr Mark Mulligan and contribute to developing a global database of dams.One of the things I like best about Google Earth, is the participatory mapping element of it, where the current 350,000,000 number of users of Google Earth, are as the local experts, building the maps of the future. Dr Mark Mulligan from Kings College London is one individual who is facilitating this effort by providing a KML in which you, the user can explore and contribute to collecting a global database of dams. in Google Earth
Spot Imagehttp://www.spotimage.comView the locations where natural (and sometimes man made) disasters have occurred.From floods affecting thousands in the UK to earthquakes in Hindu Kush Mountains of Afghanistan, this KML created by Spot Image documents disasters (both natural and man made) that have affected our planet. Each placemark provides a geographical reference point with links to maps and additional information. By using "network links" (a tutorial is available in our "tutorials" section), this KML can be updated as required without you, the user needing to take any action to see the latest information. in Google Earth
The Egypt Exploration Society the spectacular archaeological sites of the Nile delta.This KML explores one of the most archaeologically interesting areas of the world - the Nile delta. The Egypt Exploration Society's Delta Survey has presented their fascinating documentation of this part of Egypt, enabling us to tour and feel a greater connection through textual and photographic information contained within the placemark description balloons. in Google Earth
David Tryse about the world's worst oil disasters viewing when and where they occurred.David Tryse has become somewhat of a KML legend over the past year, pushing the boundaries of KML and producing some wonderful KML 'stories' (his EDGE case study can be found in the Case Studies section of the Outreach site). This KML provides an account of "Black Tides" from the 1960's onwards - each spill represented by a 'polygon' and description balloon providing photographs and additional information. in Google Earth
International Center for Integrated Mountain Developmenthttp://www.icimod.orgClimb Mount Everest with the Eco Everest Expedition team.This spring, the Eco Everest Expedition team will ascend Mount Everest and in tandem with moments of personal self doubt, triumph and experiences that will never be forgotten, members will conduct scientific experiments to study the impact of climate change on glacial features within the expedition extent.
In exploring this in-depth KML, you will discover videos, wonderful photographs, flood modeling and up to the date "Dispatches" as they happen so you too can feel a part of the expedition - all from the comfort and oxygen rich environment of your own home. Viewing tip: Be sure to turn on the "Terrain" in your "Layers" panel for full effect. in Google Earth
Israel Ministry of Tourism a virtual tour across Israel.This KML enables you to explore tourism sites associated with Israel. Each placemark provides textual and photographic information from beautiful coastline sites to the arid Negev desert. in Google Earth
OV-Medien GmbH this KML which shows panoramas of UNESCO sites in Germany.In this KML, you can explore UNESCO sites in Germany and view panoramas of the sites. Each placemark description balloon contains a preview image with links to a full panorama. Perfect for all virtual tourists! in Google Earth
The Rosetta Project / The Long Now Foundationhttp://www.rosettaproject.orgView a fascinating KML which explores human languages.This wonderfully presented KML documents a diverse collection of human languages within their geographic locale. Each placemark provides a description balloon with an embedded audio sample to hear, along with additional information and links. This KML is an excellent example of showing information not necessarily associated with a map in its geospatial context. in Google Earth
Texas A&M University Libraries historial map overlays documenting U.S geology.In this KML, you are able to view mapping overlays produced by the U.S. Geological Survey between 1894 and 1945. Each location provides overlays for several types of map ranging from topographical to economic. N.B. Some of the map overlays may take several minutes to load. in Google Earth
UNEP/GEF South China Sea Projecthttp://www.unepscs.orgExplore a layer providing information about the environment of the South China Sea.This highly informative layer presents an account of one of the world's most diverse marine environments - the South China Sea. With extensive information, this layer provides details of the government ministries and departments, research institutes, and universities working on projects in the region. in Google Earth
James Stafford a clever interpretation showing UK and Ireland flight routes.This clever little KML illustrates scheduled airline routes in the UK and Ireland. By hovering over the placemark icons, you will be able to see the available destinations from that point of departure. Clicking on the placemark icons brings up a description bubble with information about airlines. in Google Earth
Spot Imagehttp://www.spotimage.comView a KML showcasing Spot Image's best satellite views.This KML created by the Spot Image showcases some of their best captures using the SPOT5 satellite. Each placemark provides a description balloon with matching image and links to more information along with the option to purchase the image. in Google Earth
Zoological Society of London: EDGE of Existence programmehttp://www.edgeofexistence.orgView a KML showing EDGE (Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered) amphibian Species.This beautifully crafted KML illustrates the need to protect and conserve endangered wildlife. By using the Spreadsheet Mapper 2.0 tool (found in our tutorials), those at the EDGE of Existence programme have created a fascinating KML showing what amphibian species are endangered, where they are at risk and what you can do to help. in Google Earth
Zoological Society of London: EDGE of Existence programmehttp://www.edgeofexistence.orgView a KML showing EDGE (Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered) mammal Species.This beautifully crafted KML illustrates the need to protect and conserve endangered wildlife. By using the Spreadsheet Mapper 2.0 tool (found in our tutorials), those at the EDGE of Existence programme have created a fascinating KML showing what mammal species are endangered, where they are at risk and what you can do to help. in Google Earth
Herman D. Tolentino up to date with the latest ProMED reports.This KML enables you to keep up to date with the latest ProMED (Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases) reports. The KML animates the last 90 days to show the latest reports and where they related to. Files such as this can prove useful in allowing those studying epidemiology to view trends, but also in creating public awareness of current health issues. in Google Earth
Wandamere Technology Serviceshttp://www.wandamere.comView a geographical representation of U.S. GDP (Gross Domestic Product) change from 1997 - 2006.This KML presents a geographical representation through polygons to illustrate which U.S. States have experienced the greatest change in their GDP (Gross Domestic Product) from 1997 - 2006. in Google Earth
Robert K. Bernard / Send A Cow the work of a charity working to improve the lives of poor families in Africa.This KML tells the story of a charity called "Send A Cow; which gives assistance to families in Africa by providing them with the practical help they need. Each placemark provides information about the projects taking place along with photos and links to further information. This type of KML is a good example of how geography can inform many more people about what an organization is doing, and where. in Google Earth
Virtual Tourismhttp://www.virtualtourism.blogspot.comView embedded YouTube video animations inside Sky.In this KML, you can view YouTube videos that have been embedded into the placemark description balloons to match specific locations in Google Sky. Click on each placemark name to view the video and read a brief description of the celestial feature. in Google Earth 4.2
GreenInfo Networkhttp://www.greeninfo.orgExplore a KML highlighting 52 special places in America.Produced by the GreenInfo Network for the Sierra Club, this KML sets out to explore the diversity and beauty the American wilderness has to offer - and how these lands are at risk. Each placemark provides a well presented description bubble with further information, photographs and links. in Google Earth
Adelia Barber, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (University of California, Santa Cruz) the ecology and environment of the most ancient living trees on earth, the bristlecone pines.This Google Earth tour introduces users to the ecology and environment of the most ancient living trees on earth, the bristlecone pines (Pinus longaeva). Additionally, a sample week of scientific research with a team from the University of California’s White Mountain Research Station provides a good example of how field researchers can use Google Earth. Educators and students will find great information on the natural history of these incredible trees, and other scientists will come away with new ideas about to use Google Earth as a research tool. in Google Earth
VITO - Flemish institute for technological research animated overlays of global vegetation cover.In this KML, you can explore animated overlays of global vegetation cover from 2004 - 2006. These overlays were collected using remote sensing techniques and overlaid onto Google Earth for millions to see. The image overlays are fairly large in size and may require you to run the animation for several minutes to achieve full effect. in Google Earth
GreenInfo Networkhttp://www.greeninfo.orgView the results from the Iowa CaucusThe 2008 U.S. Election is arguably one of the most important in modern times. The process to elect a new U.S. President began with a caucus in the state of Iowa. Greeninfo Network have provided us with this KML offering an excellent geographical overview of the results. This is a prime example of using geography to enhance a user's understanding of a topic. in Google Earth
Steven HoSee how one individual chose to wish people a happy new year!This KML combines Google Earth's modelling and animation features to wish us all a happy 2008. Once you've opened the KML, press the play button to let the animation run through a couple of times. Then sit back and enjoy the lights and moving text. in Google Earth
Dan Bauer a guided tour of Asia.This KML presents a photographic tour of Asia. Intrepid explorer, Dan Bauer, spent thirty months traveling across Asia and Australasia collecting many beautiful photographs. From bustling spice markets in India to the majestic Himalayan mountains, these images are all the better for being geographically organized. in Google Earth
UMBC - University of Maryland, Baltimore County a KML examining the influence of humans on planet Earth.This KML explores the influence of mankind on the planet. By annotating their data overlays on top of Google Earth, the University of Maryland, Baltimore County provides an insight into the way humans are interacting with ecosystems around the world. in Google Earth