Monday, March 30, 2009

Protected Areas and Energy Development

NRDC and Audubon

The National Audubon Society and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) have created maps of restricted lands and sensitive wildlife areas in the western U.S., to help plan development projects by avoiding such areas.

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Sumatran Forest

David Gaveau

This high informative KML provides an examination of the Sumatran forests of Indonesia, which support an amazing array of flora and fauna. This file looks at deforestation in the region to show nature reserves along with their rates of deforestation and at the general land cover in the form of data overlays.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Extreme Ice Survey

Extreme Ice Survey

The Extreme Ice Survey uses time-lapse photography and video to document the rapid changes now occurring on the the Earth's glacial ice. The EIS team has installed time-lapse cameras at 15 locations in Greenland, Iceland, Alaska, and the Rocky Mountains. Through this KML you can visit the locations of our cameras get a through-the-lens view of the glaciers the cameras are watching.

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Audubon Priority Bird Areas and Responsible Wind Development

Audubon Society

Audubon strongly supports properly-sited wind power as a clean alternative energy source that reduces the threat of global warming. Wind power facilities should be planned, sited and operated to minimize negative impacts on bird and wildlife populations.

This layer shows important bird areas in Wyoming, Montana, and parts of the surrounding states. These are sensitive areas which should be avoided when planning the siting and development of energy infrastructure. See the layer content and the website linked above for more information.

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Friday, March 13, 2009

Solar Jobs Growth 2009-2016

The Solar Energy Research & Education Foundation

Solar energy has long been touted as a clean alternative to traditional electricity generation, but building a clean energy economy will also create jobs. Thanks to federal and state policies to support renewable energy, it's estimated that the solar industry will create hundreds of thousands of green jobs in coming years.

Based on a study by Navigant Consulting Inc., and with the help of and Google Earth Outreach, the Solar Energy Research & Education Foundation (SEREF) have developed a U.S. solar jobs map in Google Earth. You can also view this as a KML in Google Earth by clicking on the "Open this KML" link below.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

USA CO2 emissions

Purdue University

This KML from Project Vulcan team shows CO2 emissions on Google Earth. This emissions data product along with the Google Earth representation can be found at It represents all fossil fuel CO2 emissions in the United States. The data product was constructed by researchers at Purdue University in collaboration with researchers at Colorado State University and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and was funded by NASA and DOE with additional support from Purdue's Showalter Trust and Knauf Insulation.

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